14 October, 2014

Make up

Why do you wear makeup?

This is a question that I get asked a lot, from friends and family. 99% of the time I moan about putting makeup on, it takes time, its expensive, I cant decide on what to use. This list of moans is endless. But, I do have good reasons to why I wear make up, and even though I moan about it, it is one of my loves in life. 

I understand that it is what is on the inside that counts, but in all honesty I am 100 times more confident when I am wearing make up. I believe that everyone is beautiful on the inside, as cliché as it sounds, it is something that I truly believe in. But I also believe that it is not 'wrong' or 'vain' to want to wear makeup.
Makeup isn't just necessarily covering up your face, it is enhancing what you already have. For example making your eyes bigger and brighter by wearing mascara and choosing an eye shadow that compliments the colour of your eyes. It is quite a closed-minded thing to think that women just wear make up because of the way they look.Its is a form of expression.
 I am completely happy with the way I look. I have dark circles under my eyes, acne, scars and discolouration on my face, but I am comfortable in my own skin. I can happily go out to the shops with no makeup on. Of course I think I look better with a bit of makeup on, but that is my personal opinion and choice.

What I am trying to get at is that you want to wear makeup? Brilliant, go for it, experiment with it. But also, you don't want to wear makeup? That's also brilliant, go you for being confident in your own skin!

Whatever your face looks like, it really is what is on the inside that counts.

Until next time...


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