20 January, 2015

Things I want to acheive in 2015

Hi Everyone!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year! Christmas and new year were very quite for me, spending time with the family over Christmas and stuffing myself silly on new year... Bliss!
2014 was not a great year for me, so I am determined to make 2015 my year, so here are a list of a few things that I want to achieve in the coming year.
1. I want to loose weight. Now I know that this is a new years resolution for about 99% of the population, but I am serious. I have come to the point that looking in the mirror literally scares me to tears. I am not worried about the number on the scales or the size clothes I wear. I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin and actually like what I see in the mirror. To start on my weight loss journey, I have joined a gym. I am not going to go into too much detail about it as I have a whole post planned about the gym and my whole 'new lifestyle', but it is defiantly something that is changing for me in 2015.

2. I want to hate less. I find myself hating a lot of things recently, basically having a negative attitude towards everyone and everything. I genuinely do not mean to be so negative towards others, it just seems to be how I have moulded myself. I think it all stems from the reasoning that I don't really show my feelings often and thinking if I show any other feeling that negative ones then my walls will breakdown and I will be emotional venerable. So this year I am making a conscious effort to not speak and think so negatively, and see the good in everything.

3. Organise my life... all aspects of it! I am in no position to say that I am organised. In every aspect of my life I am all over the place, so this year I have decided that I am going to get things in order. In an ideal world I would plan my life down to the second. But in reality I don't have enough time in the day to do that. This past weekend I have had a huge de-clutter of my room at home, this has started me on the right track to organisation. As I am lucky to have a steady job with normal working hours I am hopefully going to start getting this blog off the ground, making a structure to it and having some sort of schedule to blog posts.

I know this year has got off to a slow start but I can truly say that this year is going to be my year, and I hope you are all exited to come along for the ride.

Until next time...

Sophie x

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